
天敵昆虫を用いた外来昆虫の制御に関するセミナーを企画しました。アメリカに侵入したアジア原産のシタベニハゴロモLycorma delicatulaとビワコカタカイガラモドキNipponaclerda biwakoensisを対象にした取り組みです。

場所:高知大学 物部キャンパス3-1-13教室

Hannah Broadley (United States Department of Agriculture)
Development of biological control methods against invasive spotted lanternfly in the Eastern USA

Ian Knight (Louisiana State University)
Common reed die-back, and the invasive Roseau cane scale in the Mississippi River Delta, Louisiana, USA



場所:高知大学 物部キャンパス3-1-13教室
講師:Peter Vermeiren (JSPS post doc, Kochi University)
演題:Human activities affect the structure and functioning of crab communities

The intertidal zone of estuaries presents a diverse landscape for organisms. Crab communities are a diverse and abundant group of organisms within the intertidal zone of many estuaries. Different crab species occupy different habitats. However, human activities also vary among different locations. Hence, to support biodiversity conservation, we need to understand the spatial distribution of crab species across the landscape. Then, we can compare this with the occurrence of human activities within the estuarine landscape. Using species distribution modelling, we identify patterns in crab occurrence. This way, we can predict where species will occur, and how the community composition might shift under influence of human activities. Next, we can also include information about morphological characteristics of crabs and link these to the environmental conditions of the habitats where the crabs live. This way, we can gain insights into how crabs are adapted to live in different habitats. Additionally, crab species are closely linked to the rest of the ecosystem via their food web interactions and ecosystem engineering activities. Using biochemical tracers, we can identify the role of different crab species in the food web. Consequently, we can also visualise the effect of human activities on the broader food web. The seminar will illustrate effects of different types of human activities such as habitat modification and pollution by microplastics.



